(Deutsch) Traumata – erkennen, lösen und heilen durch die Mondschwingung!
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
2013 is coming to an end and Saturn is about to take over the reign from the Moon, the ruler of 2013. 2014, the Chinese year of the Wood-Horse with all its energetic aspects will be ruled by Saturn, known at times for its severity and strict structures. Time and…
The Holistic way of Divination I am delighted to present Jin-Shin-Tarot, a new and fascinating way to unlock your Soul’s potential and to HEAL by understanding and using the messages given to us by the Tarot cards through your body’s energies. As both an Energy Healing Therapist specialised on the…
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.