Books by Irene Lauretti

Irene with her book
Irene Lauretti is a violinist turned Energy healing therapist and author who specializes on the ancient wisdom of the Far East to bring energy healing into the everyday life of the busy person of today. The aim of all of Irene’s books, blogs and films is to show the reader that self-healing is not only possible, but easy and that in fact everybody has the ability to heal themselves by using and understanding energy(healing) and vibration!

Books in English

Wellness above the Clouds

Feeling Great with the Moon

Books in German

Mit der Kraft deiner Hände (based on “Wellness above the Clouds”)

“Mit der Kraft deiner Hände” is a wellness-booklet showing simple, yet highly effective energy healing exercises and mudras for ailments such as headaches, stomach ache, heart problems, circulation problems and many more.
The booklet is deliberately concice and concentrates on practical exercises rather than on long texts and explanations. It is aimed at busy people who are looking for simple and natural ways to quickly improve their wellbeing without any side effects. The exercises are easy and unobtrusive and they can be done anywhere, in the office, while watching a film, reading a book, traveling on trains, planes and buses or even while holding a talk!

Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung

“Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung” is a substantial 400-page book explaining the moon and the code of creation through the 12 organ flows of man. “Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung” reveals the code of creation through the 12 Soul gates of man along the Life Flow, the most important energy flow and it explains in both theory and practice how we can tune into the daily cosmic vibrations given to us by the moon on its monthly journey through the zodiac.
“Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung” is a one-of-its-kind-book revealing for the first time the true importance of the moon for health, wellbeing and life in general. The book contains 84 colourful graphics and photographs and is divided into a first, theoretical part which explains the cosmic code of creation in detail and a second practical part enabling the reader to start the transformative healing process by tuning into the moon without having read the theoretical part first.

“Feeling Great with the Moon” is the American-English version of my book “Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung”. The book is released in the US on Dec. 15th 2018 and wordlwide about 5 weeks later.

Der besondere Mondkalender: Gesundheit in deiner Hand

“Der besondere Mondkalender: Gesundheit in deiner Hand” is a unique and handy moon agenda which shows the exact phases of the moon as well as the corresponding organ force and the corresponding finger. By holding that finger which relates to the vibration of the moon the readers can vitalize, heal and energize themselves and take health into their own hands – in the truest sense of the words! “Der WAHRE Mondkalender” is based on “Der Mond und der kosmische Code der Schöpfung” but can be used on its own since it provides the reader with all the necessary information to take advantage of the powerful cosmic vibrations activated by the moon!

Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot

“Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot” is a unique book which explains the 26 energy locks of man using the numerological and symbolical aspects of the major arcana cards of the Tarot. The 26 energy locks of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an ancient Japanese healing art, can be used for physical and emotional wellbeing and healing and their meaning is derived from the knowledge about vibration and the ancient wisdom of numerology. “Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot” is a practical book containing colour photographs of the energy locks and of the corresponding tarot cards. It enables the reader to use the energy locks to improve overall health and also for specific health problems. The goal of the book is to enable the reader to gain a fundamental understanding of the underlying emotional causes of health problems.


SEELENZAHLEN (Soul numbers) is a unique fresh and easy-to-apply approach to the ancient wisdom of numerology. Irene was initiated in the art of reading Soul numbers by the Earth woman, a lady who had lived out of civilization for many years and received the wisdom of numbers from her spirit during that time. The book shows how to unlock your life’s purpose by using the 4 essential Soul numbers, the day number, the life number, the destiny number and the entire number as well as the current life number. The book also contains a chapter of partner numerology enabling you to understand patterns in your choice of partner.


LIEBE (LOVE) unlocks the mystery of LOVE both individually and for the collective humanity! LIEBE shows that love is so much more than sex and that it is the ultimate goal of each and everybody’s incarnation. A fascinating book to read which will stir your emotions and trigger the seed of your life’s existence! A MUST for the evolving humanity!

Die große Umkehr zum LICHT-Mensch

MAN of LIGHT – the future of humanity and the new age of CONSCIOUSNESS explained through the Cosmic Code of Creation and how it can be seen in masterworks of Art such as the Isenheimer Altar and others as well as in numerology and Tarot. A unique book that guides humanity to its destiny.