(Deutsch) Anja B. - Die große Umkehr zum Licht-Mensch
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(Deutsch) Mondkalender
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(Deutsch) Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot
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(Deutsch) Seelenzahlen
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Silvia - The Moon And The Cosmic Code Of CreationI have been interested in the moon for many years and, apart from using the moon calendar, I have read many books about the moon.
Now, “The Moon and the Cosmic Code of Creation” is the very book I have been waiting for and which stands out among all the other books about the moon. This beautifully designed book with its numerous photographs and graphics has not only made me aware of the importance of the moon, but has sharpened my understanding of myself as a spiritual being. I now understand why, for instance, on Aries days my voice is always hoarse or used to be hoarse since now this book tells me what I can do by “using the forces of the moon”, to prevent my voice from becoming hoarse and, on a more general basis, what I can do for my own health and wellbeing!Although it is only a week ago that I acquired this book, I feel such an energy push due to getting tuned into the moon vibration that I now manage to accomplish so many tasks in one day for which before it took me three days. I want to thank the author for the wisdom provided by this beautiful book and which I am happy to use every day.
Timo - The Moon And The Cosmic Code Of CreationNo one interested in health should miss this book, since it really opens the mind for the true causes of disease and disharmony. “The Moon and the Cosmic Code of Creation” shows the importance of the effect of the moon for us. The book demonstrates most vividly the importance of our soul as the cosmic principle of creation through the six depths and 12 forces of the soul.
I was able to see for myself how deeply and effectively the tuning in sequences acted on people, when I took part in a seminar given by the author in which she explained the principle of the Code. At that time I suffered from a most unpleasant and recurrent skin condition with continual itching. So far no medicine had been able to help and other alternative healing methods had not had any lasting effects.
At first I was rather sceptical regarding the new approach shown in the book, but then I started practising on a daily basis the positions explicitly described in the second part and after 3 months I was free from any itching and pains.
However, to consider and use this book as a mere “book on health” would be a pity, since the first part is a real masterpiece in its own right. In this part the Code is explained through the meaning of our soul. It culminates in the description of the Major Energy Circulation the course of which reveals the cosmic Code of Creation. Another interesting point is the reference made to the St John’s Gospel because the author interprets the symbolic meaning of the 12 apostles as the 12 soul forces and the vital flow as the mediatory principle of creation (Christ). Summing up I would say that this is a book which I would strongly recommend to anybody who has the courage “to look beyond their own noses”!
Niklas - The Moon And The Cosmic Code Of CreationIn the esoteric library I happened to come across this beautiful high-quality book.
Since due to my former work as an astrologist I have read many books on astro medicine and therefore have a theoretical insight in the interaction between body/organ functions and the zodiac without, however, being able to use such knowledge in a practical way or gather any guidance from it, I became really curious. In the past I had read about Jin Shin Jyutsu and in the bookshop I also found various books covering this subject. However, I felt that the information given was rather clumsy and not really appealing to me. That is why I decided to buy this newly published book. At home I immediately started scrutinizing the promises made in the book and tried out the finger positions indicated therein. The folding pages at the end of the book showing the graphics make it very easy to find the applicable finger positions even before reading the text. After 8 minutes of applying them I had a throbbing sensation under my fingers which were placed on a particular point of a given sequence.. It felt as if I were consciously feeling how my blood was flowing through my whole body. My nose which is always constipated finally became clear and allowed me to breathe freely and even my visual acuity improved. Since then (nearly three weeks ago) I have read the whole book and are applying every day the positions indicated in the book in accordance with the position of the moon in the zodiac. I feel much fitter than before, less cold and I have no longer any headaches. This is a new, extremely helpful book, which is revolutionary in its kind and, unlike so many other books which promise healing effects, this book shows in a simple way and efficient way how people can actually help themselves and cure their ailments.
Sue C - Wellness Above The CloudsThis review is from: Wellness Above the Clouds: The unique guide to complete harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit (Paperback)
This book does not require you to know anything about Jin Shin Jyutsu or any other alternative healing techniques. It is simply a very easy to follow book full of straightforward exercies that you can use to aid relaxation on a plane (which is its main purpose) but it is so much more than that. You can basically do these exercises anywhere and so many of them would be great to do at your desk in the office if you are feeling stressed or unwell. The exercises cover a wide range of problems such as headaches, toothache, chest pains, stomach ache, poor circulation, as well as for destressing. The pictures make them very easy to follow so you know when you are doing them correctly. It is a great little book that you can carry around in your bag and then dig it out when you are stuck on a long train journey. Highly recommended!
Sammy - Wellness Above The CloudsI’ve found this book to be highly effective and fits in well with my busy lifestyle, it helped me almost immediately when I’d been suffering from toothache. It was so easy-to-follow, with clear pictures, showing numerous techniques that anyone can do, even if you don’t have any prior understanding of healing. Although it was aimed for people sat on airplanes, I’m always dipping into it and often do little bits of healing on myself whilst watching the telly. It’s definitely a book I would share with friends and family.
Roy - Wellness Above The CloudsHello Irene, Thank you for your wonderful book, “Wellness Above the Clouds”. It was so pleasant to read and the color pictures really helped. Your book is perfect simplicity. I can’t express in words how much I appreciate your writing it. I got the ebook on Amazon.com. I recently came home from an 8700 miles airplane(s) trip from The Philippines. It took 39 hours. Oh, what a benefit your book would have been had I known about it. Now I do. God Bless you and all the Best to You. Roy